Show Details for Monday March 14th, 2011

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Tonight’s show looks at recent events in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Japan. Our guests are Toby Jones and Aileen Mioko Smith.

Toby Jones:

Toby Jones is an assistant professor of history at Rutgers University and author of  the book “Desert Kingdom: How Oil and Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia.” He is regularly in touch with people in Bahrain. Saudi Forces have entered Bahrain. Jones said today: “This is an effort on the part of the Saudis to bring Bahrain from the tipping point. But the outcome will likely be the opposite — this is a provocation.”

See video of Bahraini government forces shooting at a protester face to face:

On Twitter:!/OnlineBahrain

For more online resources:

Ad for mercenaries by Bahrani government on Pakistani webpage:


Aileen Mioko Smith:

Aileen Mioko Smith first became aware of the dangers of hazardous waste and technology in the 1970s, when she and her husband, photojournalist W. Eugene Smith, spent three years documenting the human toll of mercury poisoning on the town of Minamata. Years later, as she became aware of the safety problems at Japan’s nuclear power plants, she worked to turn public concern for plans for a plutonium-based energy economy into international opposition.  She has since become one of Japan’s leading and most effective voices challenging the production, commerce and transport of nuclear material, and calling for sustainable energy policies.

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